Help, Advice, Secret Tips for Growing World Record Vegetables

We have experience growing giant pumpkins, giant watermelons, long gourds, giant sunflowers, giant tomatoes, giant groundsel, giant gourds, and more.

What a Load of Manure!

Some basics here for the new grower. It all starts with a load of manure!

I like to use 8-year-old horse and sawdust from a local horse farm. It looks like brown fluffy soil. That is what you are looking for, not the stinky stuff that smells like poo! If it has that strong odor, then it needs to go back into a compost pile for a year or so.

There is a lot of confusion about what manure really is and how to use it. 

Join my email list and I’ll give you the full lowdown on manure, amendments, seedlings and pot size. Simply enter your email address and I’ll send it right over.

Bubba wants you to succeed as a grower! Learn from Bubba’s Biggest Blunders. It is super easy. Simply enter your name and email address below and hit the button!

Tips From Mark on Growing

First, you need to find a sunny location for 8 hours of sun a day or more is best. 6 hours a day will produce a pumpkin, however the more sun the better. You can grow watermelons/tomatoes/cucumbers/beans/ whatever you may choose to grow for the dinner table. 

So most of us test our soil for better results.

The more serious growers we like to till our soil and amend to our soil test results each season. We use walk boards to ensure we don’t compact the soil. When growing on sand you may not need as many walk boards but still not a bad idea to use them. We train the vines & prune the plant as it grows, all tertiary vines are terminated from the secondary vines. Our goal is to grow as big as a plant as possible by early to mid-June. Then as the female flowers(baby pumpkin)appear on the plant we start to shift to fruit growing mode. The biggest challenge becomes keeping the bugs & critters from destroying the plant. This is where most not so serious gardeners lose the battle. If you choose organic or other methods? You must stop the bugs! I always ask my Children.” what’s the worst thing that bugs do”? They bug you !! You must deal with the bugs or game over by early July in most areas.

So for more information Check out my Youtube channel 

Or email questions or concerns to

On this website you will learn about giant watermelon, giant pumpkin, growing giant pumpkins, giant pumpkins,mark mix, Worldwide Giant Growers, giant pumpkin growing tips, giant pumpkin growing secrets, world record pumpkin seed, giant sunflowers, growing giant sunflowers, giant gourd, giant pumpkins for sale, giant pumpkin growers, champion pumpkin. The information is provided by World Wide Giant Growers and its members and vendors. There is no guarantee that you will grow a giant or champion fruit. Results do vary.